2013年12月4日 星期三

Overland Track, Tasmania Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2013

Day 1  Dove Lake - Waterfall Valley Hut,  10 km.  

Freezing and rainy. 

Day 2  Waterfall Valley Hut - New Pelion Hut,  23.5 km 

Sunny but humid. 2.5°C outdoor, 8°C indoor. 

< G'day, wallaby >

< Misty Barn Bluff (1,559m ) in the morning >

< Barn Bluff 1,559m >

< Lake Windermere with Mt Ossa (Middle top)>

< Mount Ossa >  
1617m (5,035 ft), the highest mountain in Tasmania.
Facts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Ossa_(Tasmania)

< Mt Oakleigh>
Angle from New Pelion Hut.
< Mt Oakleigh>
Angle from New Pelion Hut.
< New Pelion Hut >

Day 3  New Pelion Hut - Kia Ora Hut, 9km via Mt Ossa 6km return, total 15km.

< On the way to the top of Mt Ossa 前往奧紗山頂>

< On the way to the top of Mt Ossa 前往奧紗山頂>

Almost reached the top of Mt Ossa 

Here we are, top of Mt Ossa (1,617m) , lucky enough to see halo, just appeared at the right place at the right time, perfect ! 

< From the top of Mt Ossa >

< From the top of Mt Ossa >

< From the top of Mt Ossa >

Natural rock climbing place. 自然攀岩場 

< Natural Stage >

<  Rufous-bellied pademelons > 
They showed up next to Kia Ora hut.

<  Rufous-bellied pademelons >

Day 4  Kia Ora Hut - Echo Point Hut via D'Alton Falls (1km return), total 26.5 km

Warm and sunny.
< D'Alton Falls >

< D'Alton Falls >

< Starry night outside Echo Point Hut at Lake St Claire >

Day 5  Echo Point - Lake St Claire Visitor Centor, 11km.

Warm and sunny

< Good morning, Lake St Claire >

